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Yeah so stuff is gonna happen and stuff idk




Welcome to the Meme Site 3


Welcome to the Meme Site 3! This webpage has tons of family friendly memes, and we're always (sometimes) making more. Eventually I'll hit the storage limit and have to outsource my image uploads, but we're so far off from that so I don't need to worry.

Questions you may have

Are these all original?

Yes, they are all original created by the MS3 meme-making group.

Can I reupload these memes?

I'd prefer that you would just link to the memes, but you can reupload them so long as you credit us.

What's that title gif?

That's a gif of kermit being electrocuted by the electricty guy person from star wars. It was made by Ryoshi81 and can be found here. It's a tradition to put a kermit gif as the title image. It started when I made a meme website to host all of the memes me and my friends in 5th grade were making. I made it in google sites, and google sites lets you have an image as the title background, so I decided to put a kermit dancing gif there. When I made the second meme website, I also chose to set the title image to a kermit gif. Then I made another website called The Meme Place, but there are only a few memes so I really don't count it. So here we are, the third meme website, the third kermit gif. The first website was taken down by google for violating the terms of service, but they wouldn't tell me what I did wrong. The second website and The Meme Place are still up tho. Here's a link to both of them: Memes 2 the meme place

Hey, this site looks similar to another site I've seen before

It should look similar, because I created My Super Wacky Very Cool Website. I reused a lot of things I learned from that website over here, so it's no surprise that this website has an uncanny resemblence.

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